Start Again

I am currently hired full time with Expedia. This obviously takes up most of my time, as I need to master Javascript, know how to work with Java (even work in it in the future) and learn how to use the automation and build tools that we currently use.

When I have a bit more time, I’ll be improving this blog and adding cool features, especially the stuff I’ve been working on the last few months prior to my progress halt on this blog. These include JavascriptCore in Swift, more on iOS8 dynamic frameworks (lots of information on the web but it sucks), some small WebSocket stuff, and maybe on

Also I’m thinking of adding a blog entry on Javascript frameworks that lends itself to help developers learn new languages and exploit the similarities between them to maximize on what they know.

Also lastly I am going to start working on my applicatiob that I started at Code Fellows, and maybe if I have time finish a second idea I have had.