Messing with Jekyll pt. 1

My ambitions for a blog has been killing me and is unrealistic. I stopped using my squarespace blog and bought a domain so that I can start developing my own blog and host it. I was planning on using Ghost… and playing around with Gatsby, however due to the amount of crazy my life has right now I decided that it would be better to tinker and get a static site with Jekyll up an running.

I really want to build out a dynamic application-like interface like gitbook and etc. However in terms of time I decided to opt to working on a fast static site for my blog. I can alway tinker and play around with the content, add javascript/elm later.

Styles are a pain in Github Pages… I’m working out the kinks of the blog but I have a style-less html page up. Currently I have the html up and running and the liquid template works like a charm, the only issue is the stupid styling… which I’ll tackle another day.